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How Important Is Information About Metabolism?


With the urge to lose weight becoming a trend that has every individual involved, it is metabolism that is being blamed for putting on weight. However, it is important to understand the root cause of obesity and weight gain before beginning to believe that your metabolism is at fault. Checking the facts and figures will help you to obtain the necessary information about metabolism. You will be able to learn how metabolism is an integral part of life and enables your body to get the requisite power for functioning properly.

Essential information about metabolism

First things first! You must ask what is metabolism to gain an understanding of the complex process. It suffices to know that metabolism is a term for multiple biochemical processes that take place within your body simultaneously. This enables you to function effectively. The procedure does not stop even more a moment.

Remember that the energy your body requires comes from the food you consume. Metabolism is a deciding factor in this process. It is almost vital to remember that metabolism plays a balancing role with the excess of calories from the food being stored as fat. However, simply consuming less food will not boost your metabolism for your body will revert to its state of equilibrium after a certain stage that puts you at a risk of losing important nutrients.

Sure, you may be able to control metabolism temporarily with the following factors being regulated and controlled as much as possible: –

  • Diet: It is not only about the kind of food you but is also about how you eat it which can affect your metabolism. You need to consult a dietitian and follow a plan if you want to speed up your metabolism.
  • Muscle Mass: Again, you are welcome to eat more protein than carbohydrates and fat to bulk up or increase your muscle mass. This will enable you to burn more calories within a short time.
  • Physical Activity: You do not have to hit the gym to stay active. Instead, you may indulge in strength training and cardio to be physically active enough to burn more calories.
  • Environmental Factors: It is best to avoid pollution and remain in extreme temperatures for the better part of the day. This may impact your metabolism adversely.
  • Diseases: There are several diseases and health conditions known to affect metabolism which may increase or decrease according to the health parameters.
  • Stress: Chronic stress can affect your well-being. It may also result in less energy usage thus ensuring weight gain.
  • Drug Interactions: Medication either prescribed or for entertainment can affect the metabolism as the body will metabolize different drugs differently.

However, several other factors are beyond your control. Primary among them include the following:

  • Age– Metabolism will slow down as you age
  • Gender– The males have a bigger body structure and a comparatively rapid metabolic rate
  • Genetics– The genes you inherit play a significant role
  • Hormonal Factors– Hormones produced by the pancreas, thyroid gland, and reproductive organs may result in a fast or slower metabolism

All information about metabolism needs to be kept in mind to achieve wellness. Just losing weight is not the right solution that can fix metabolic problems.

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